Make Duxford Air Museum appealing to a new target audience (15-25).
Once you are there you will find it interesting. Communicating information about the aircraft in more visually pleasing way, in the form of Augmented reality advertising, an interactive App and a gift shop book. 
The App
Each section contains a list of all aircraft in the hangar. By selecting a plane you can see statistics about it. Each aircraft is shown to be “discovered” or not found. To discover an aircraft you must use the interactive view on it to uncover more information about it. You can do this by holding your phone or tablet up to an aircraft, the app then recognizes it and brings you to the interactive screen. Here you can rotate a three dimensional view of the aircraft and select all the main parts of the aircraft and view facts about them all. This is a challenge to discover all the aircraft in the app, which if isnt completed in your first visit to Duxford you can carry on in 
your next.
Gift shop book
Discover Duxford

Discover Duxford

Make Duxford Air Museum appealing to a new target audience, in the form of Augmented reality advertising, an interactive App and a gift shop book Read More
