Yuan Zheng's profile

Stories about my brother

Zine Design
The original article was published on Jezebel https://jezebel.com/stories-about-my-brother-1835651181.

Stories About My Brother, is a real story written by Prachi Gupta. After reading her story, I was deeply touched and decided to create a published version of it.  

The story is about love and miss of a sister to her young & talented brother who died very young because of blood clot. She tried to figure out what the last days of her brother’s life looked like and what caused her brother died at such a young age. 

Palette Choice
The author told us many childhood memories between her and her brother, which was full of love and happiness. It created a strong contrast to their broken relationship after they grew up as adults. Therefore, I used  bright yellow to reflect the wonderful past and black as a contrast to show the sadness of their different destinies.
Font Choice
For font, the article is more like a person sharing her personal story, so the overall tune is broken and blue. I decided to use sketch & diary as my graphic style, mimicking people telling story in person. I chose John Wick, a handwriting font for the title and all quotations. I choose American Typewriter, a monospace to match the identity of her brother, a talented programmer and computer science student. 

Final Design

Final Photos

Thanks for watching!

Stories about my brother

Stories about my brother

Zine design
