26 full color letters
English illustrated alphabet about animals
All illustrated letters are made by liquitex acrilyc paint and fabriano pencils
A is for Alligator, B is for bee, C is for chamaleon, D is for dog, E is for eagle, F is for flamingo, G is for giraffe, H is for hippo (hippopotamus), I is for ibis, J, K,  L is for lion, M is for moose, N is for nautilus, O is for octopus, P is for peacock, Q is for quail, R is for rabbit, S is for snake, T is for tucan, U is for unicorn, V is for vixen (femenine fox), W is for woodkeeper, X is for x-ray fish, Y is for yak, Z is for zebra
Below the work in progress of the alphabet.
I used acrylic paint + pencils on 300g Fabriano paper.
This illustrated Alphabet poster is available on my shop!
Thanks for watching!

ALPHABET Illustrated

ALPHABET Illustrated

Illustrated alphabet of animals
