Chhaya Joshi's profile

SOCIAL MEDIA POOL | International Street Art Festival


Mood Indigo' 19, IIT Bombay
Proudly, the only Indian Artist to been invited for 3D street art, three years in a row! Mood Indigo, the annual cultural festival of Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay is the biggest college cultural celebration in Asia. Mood Indigo's next edition took place in December'19. Mood Indigo features a plethora of events with more than 200 international artists from over 25 countries have graced the Mood Indigo stage hitherto.
For a sincere while now, it has been fairly apparent that our lives are being very deftly puppeteered by the nimble hands of social media. Be it our minds, the thoughts that run through them, the opinions that form themselves, or the actions that follow, every aspect of our information gathering and decision making process has been contorted into an aggregate of what we consume online. 

We barely ask. We rarely question. We love to follow. If it's popular, we fling ourselves onto the bandwagon. We have continuously been sucked deeper into a cesspool of the basest instincts of the human mind, that revel in the mask of supposed anonymity. Such is the pull and sway of social media.

Our incessant desires for acceptance and appreciation, however, have met an intriguing enabler in the digital age. People have found bold new ways to express themselves, whilst carrying both the risk of crashing rejection, as well as the chance of widespread acceptance. This has served as a unique opportunity for people to push themselves, grow, and showcase their talents. Content creators of all sorts grind under the constant, pulling pressures of perfection and expectation. It's not just creators, however, everybody is invested. None of us are alone in this; all of us are drowning.
2200 sq. ft | Student Activity Centre, IIT Bombay
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SOCIAL MEDIA POOL | International Street Art Festival


Project Made For

SOCIAL MEDIA POOL | International Street Art Festival

For a sincere while now, it has been fairly apparent that our lives are being very deftly puppeteered by the nimble hands of social media. Be it Read More
