Better Things
A website for a friend's design agency.
An ex-colleague approached me to build the website for his design start-up, the brief was for something different from the typical design agency folio site and heavily centred around the blog format.

The site is entirely centred around the blog format with everything presented in the typical chronological format - folio work and company tweets included. Users can use the primary nav bar to either view a single category alone, or to mix together their own preference of content. The site is currently live here.

I was responsible for the concept, information architecture, and design. The corporate identity and colour palette was already established. I was also responsible for management of the built, which I outsourced to a freelance developer.
Below… The default homepage, mixing all four categories - 'Our Thoughts', 'What We Like', 'Our Work' and 'Tweets'. The user can use the main navigation bar to go to a listing of any single category or select the categories they'd like to see mixed together. Tweets have a grey background and familiar Twitter 'T' icon, folio case studies are differentiated with a black background. Blog posts are against the white background with type (courtesy of TypeKit) used for differentiation between the two categories.
 A post entry for a folio case study. User's can use arrows either side of the main image to view any other's available.
Below… A blog entry from the 'Our thoughts' category.  A bolder typeface was used to give them more prominence that the 'What we like' posts.
Below… A blog entry from the 'What we like' category.
Below… An example of the homepage with the category filters in use. In this case the user has elected to see just 'Tweets' and 'Our Work'.
Below… A second example, in this case showing 'What we like' and 'Our Thoughts' posts only.
Below… The only other page type on the site is a single 'About Us' page, incorporating contact form and embedded Google map.
Better Things

Better Things

A website for a friend's design agency.
