The brief was to create a new lifestyle sub-brand for Nissan. The brand had to be sustainable, whilst also looking to appeal to a younger audience. ‘Avanti’ was designed to be bold and dynamic, to reflect the confidence of the target audience, and to appeal to their desire to strive for something out of the ordinary.

Avanti has five logos, this is to create a dynamic feel and energy to the brand.The name 'Avanti' derives from the Italian for to go forward encompasing the feel of the brand .
Marketing Stratergy 
We carefully devised a three stage brand strategy to establish the Avanti brand. This intail stage will be very minimal, to build a sense of anticipation around the brand. A lot of the early print advertising will revolve around the imagery. By using imagery that the audience find appealing and 'cool', along side the logo, will cause the viewer to establish a positive opinion of the brand.
Rather than focus solely on traditional advertising techniques, the Avanti brand will utilise contemporary and alternative media. The example above uses a product appropriate to the brand to advertise on. These 'Scratch bikes' encourage people to choose an alternative to their normal routine, this fits perfectly with the idea of a Shift_from the norm, the brand tag line. The QR codes allow instant access to the Avanti website, creating a more widespread audience.

Stage Two
Prior to the Avanti launch party there will be a large advertising campaign to increase the anticipation for the event. This will create further talk about the brand, as well as ensuring the largest number of people possible attend the event. Below are examples of the poster campaign which all include the date.
Stage Three
After the launch event, much of the Avanti advertising focus will be online, encouraging further customer interaction through a strong web presence and social networking. Video and images from the launch will appear online, becoming advertisements for both the Avanti products and future events. 
The smaller items are hand out advertisement, which are also used as direct mail, these would be available to order on the Avanti website. The pack will contain: information on the brand, a map for the event, a voucher, a brochure and event information.The larger booklet is our Brand Guidelines.


The brief was to create a new lifestyle sub-brand for Nissan. The brand had to be sustainable, whilst also looking to appeal to a younger audienc Read More
