What is a User Persona?
A Persona is a concrete “Characterisation” of a single user group; It synthesises information from the User, Task and environment Profiles. It is a detailed example of a potential end-user that represents a specific target audience type; and focuses on probabilities, not possibilities.
Key factors to create Personas are:
o User Groups
o User Profiles
o Environmental Profiles or Demographics
o Task Profiles
Why use User Personas?
Engaging personas are designed so that the designers who use them can become more engaged with them. The idea is to create a 3D rendering of a user through the use of personas. The more people engage with the persona and see them as ’real’, the more likely they will be to consider them during the process design and want to serve them with the best product. These personas examine the emotions of the user, their psychology, backgrounds and make them relevant to the task in hand. The perspective emphasises how stories can engage and bring the personas to life.
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User Persona

User Persona

This is a sample for how a user persona looks like and why personas are an important element of the design process
