Maitencillo is a seaside town located near Santiago, Chile.It has a fascinating natural landscape, where the ocean and mountains meet. The two-storey residence designed by Cristi Romero Valente is built on a steep hillside close to the canyon.

In order to produce series of CGIs, we first used Google Map to collect the terrain and climate details of the project, and sculpted them with Zbrush.

Use itoosoftware's forest pack to spread Quixel megascans assets and Maxtree 3D plant model on the terrain, and then adjust the shading appropriately.

We chose the cloudy HDRI of PG Sky and the lower multiplier Coronasun as the main lights of the scene, and placed the test camera to find the best composition angle.

Consider the essential elements of Maitland Bay-plenty of daylight and Mediterranean landscapes. We borrowed light for painting to create a series of sensual and inspiring architectural images.

For furnishings, we not only follow the minimalist aesthetics of modernist functionality, but also combine the interest of contemporary organic design language, and draw a lot of inspiration from the first-line famous design brands.

In order to create an atmosphere where the breeze penetrates the room, we performed a wind simulation with Marvelous Designer to make the curtains slightly agitate and make the interior space more transparent.


Rebuilding CGI images and give emotion to AV house in Maitland, Chile
