by Juan Rojas
This is made for the Missions in San Antonio, Texas. The light and blue colors were chosen to pay homage to the frescos since blue represents depth abd stability. I truly admire how the images flow with the text and how the images connect with the text. It is a simple yet effective website due to the small approach I took to accomplish the finished product.
I created this website for a class project where we dedicated a site for something that sparks interest. I dedicated it to MesoAmerica due to the significance it now has in Latin America and all of the world. MesoAmerica is a culture haven with many wonders that are dense tourist areas for people all over the globe. I included things like pyramids, civilizations that still live to this day, museums, and languages.
This website was part of the package for Walnut Grove Plantation. The red tones were chosen to symbolize the hard work that it took to bring this plantation to life during times of hardship. It follows a smooth pattern and everything contrasts with one another. I believe the photography is what makes this site extremely soothing to the eye.
This website is also part of a class project for my advanced web building course. The Shot Tower State Park carries a lot of history, and the best way to demonstrate it is with a website. I chose earth tones as the colors for this site since they make the composition look natural and old in a way. Even the font chosen gives it an oldstyle feel like the text was used back then. I included symmetry in the design as well by having 2 pictures on the left and 2 pictures on the right. 


Websites I have made at Spartanburg Community College.


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