Getting lost exploring a new city with my camera is one of my favorite things to do in life. 
Every city has its own particular way of living and it pleases me to understand the way people and cities interact with one other. How people change the city and the city changes people.  
Berlin is what I like to call a good mess. It is bold and deep, historical and experimental. It lives on the most opposite contrasts and those contrasts flow with each other in a way I've only experienced there. Berlin cannot be characterized in just one style and that's what I love the most about it.
I've chosen Germany’s capital to have my Erasmus experience because most of my favorite artists have lived, studied or worked there at some stage in their lives. I was curious to understand what the "Oh berlin times!" meant and I think I did understood. 
Living the city, surrounded by people from all around the world opened my mind and motivated me to try new approaches to my photography.

This book is the combination of my favorite Berlin photographs, glue and paint. 
December 2019 - January 2020

Ema Filipe Gonçalves 
Oh Berlin times!

Oh Berlin times!

Collage book


Creative Fields