Field Guide

Field Guide for the Invasive Species in Italy 

The timeline goes from 1750 to 2025, every line rappresent 5 years. The blurred stripes indicate the year of a spieces arrival in Italy. Species dated before this range go to the left-page bleeding. Unknown arrivals are represented by a larger stripe on the left page bleeding. The color of the stripe is the same one of the corresponding chapter.
All the species are included in the cover with their scientific latin name cover looks crowded to mean “invasiveness”. Strict grid layout is given to pack all the images for each species. The big title is the only element which goes off the grid, reinforcing the aggressive sense of the treated theme.

ISIA Urbino
MA Communication and Design for Publishing

Joost Grootens

GT America 

Mammiferi Mammals
Tobia Faiman
Laura Larrive 
Luka Šantl
Patrick Zavadskis

Uccelli Birds
Antonio Calandra
Michelangelo Greco
Fabio Maragno
Veronica Paoli

Animali acquatici Aquatic animals 
Michele Biondi
Rachele Bozzato
Erica Rossi
Rachele Stagni

Insetti Insects
Giulia Del Zotto
Olivia Lynk,
Sara Papa
Chiara Alexandra Young

Alberi Trees
Luca Ferrigni
Riccardo La Leggia
Gazmend Zeneli

Piante Plants
Maddalena Bellin
Lucrezia Caon
Sofia Salvatori
Federico Trevisan

Piante acquatiche Aquatic plants 
Diletta Comini
Susanna Lupi
Giulia Olivieri
Celeste Quercia

Funghi Mushrooms
Antonio Calandra
Michelangelo Greco
Fabio Maragno
Veronica Paoli

Direzione editoriale Art direction 
Luca Ferrigni
Riccardo La Leggia
Gazmend Zeneli 

Field Guide

Field Guide

The timeline goes from 1750 to 2025, every line rappresent 5 years. The blurred stripes indicate the year of a spieces arrival in Italy. Species Read More
