Anais Fraissinet's profile

Communicate in prison

Communicate in prison
Creation of an event exploring the theme of communication in prison.
Memoire, exhibition texts, miniature model of the whole exhibition.

Prison is one of the most paradoxical dimension of our modern societies. It is by definition a close space existing within a completely open one. Between the walls, men and women live separated and together with specific communication rules. This thematic is the core of this project : how do prisoners communicate with different interlocutors ? with the jailors ; with the prison wardens ; with the other prisoners and their close family. How do they use different means of communication like writing, reading, or the prison's visiting room ? How does communication work in an inauspicious environment and how does it work ? 

This event is about informing the public about these topics via an informational and sensory experience. The public will participate by experiencing some of the prisoners ways of communicating : finding little notes in the walls, using mirrors to enlarge their horizon, reading real letters in mail boxes, watching over other visitors with a wall of cameras … Each black box in the exhibition is a room, each one is dedicated to a form of communication.
Communicate in prison

Communicate in prison

Creation of an event exploring the theme of communication in prison. Memoire, exhibition texts, miniature model of the whole exhibition. Prison i Read More
