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Pure Botanicals Point Of Sale & Packaging Design

Pure Botanicals is a holistic health care centre in Newtown, offering a diverse range of therapeutic services and products for all your health and lifestyle requirements. They have a few different elements making up the services they offer at their store, which include a retail store, a naturopathic dispensary, and a health clinic.
The front end of the health care centre is the retail centre, which we think will be the part most of us will visit first. They stock the Pure Botanicals range of health care products, as well as a range of other natural and eco products. If you visit the store, and we certainly encourage you to do so, you’ll see a whole bunch of great in-store collateral that we’ve been designing for them recently. We loved working on these because we were able to use a beautiful pattern and apply it creatively across their branding, even using it to fill some of the typography. Don’t the colours just make you feel relaxed immediately? We’re definitely fans of these soft tones.
Pure Botanicals Point Of Sale & Packaging Design

Pure Botanicals Point Of Sale & Packaging Design

Pure Botanicals Point Of Sale & Packaging Design
