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Fun Quarantine Activities

Outlined a few at-home activities to do during quarantine in a blog post for the residents of Peloton West (located in Boulder, Colorado). 
Exciting At-Home Activities For Everyone  

As it has become increasingly crucial over these past few months to stay safe from health risks in the world around us, you may find yourself at home for a large amount of time with a lack of activities to keep you busy. Rest assured, we have you covered! Not only are there plenty of stimulating activities for you to do, but you might even enjoy them enough to start implementing them into your regular routine. So once you’re done with your work, here are some things you can do to take advantage of your free time.

Plan Your Days 

If you already have a steady work/home routine, you may not be used to having to plan your days out. However, when you are anticipating more free time or days at home, it’s good to plan your activities ahead so that you don’t waste half the day just trying to figure out what to do. Planning your day out will help you stay organized while also giving you something to look forward to during the week. Planning your activities will also give you an idea of what items you need for a certain project so you don’t end up having to run around last minute.

Bake Your Troubles Away

One of the most common things for people to do at home is baking. It takes minimal time and brings instant comfort! If you already have baking down and this is nothing new for you, take this time to go the extra mile and indulge your creative side. Learn a new recipe or try making that crazy dessert item you’ve always wanted to try. A great way to make this even more fun is to have kids over and let them get creative with you. You can always follow a long a Youtube video for inspiration or strike out on your own and see where your taste buds take you.

Take Your Pick With Just A Click

The great thing about living in 2020 is that although we may be at home, like many were before us, we have a greater amount of resources available to us than we did a few years ago. Whether it’s groceries or clothes, getting products of your choice delivered right to your doorstep has become unbelievably easy! Take some time out to yourself to get the things you need or even things you were planning on shopping for in the future. If you have a birthday, wedding, or graduation party coming up, you can find numerous unique options online to make your life easier. Online shopping is also a great place to get personalized gifts for your loved ones for any occasion and one that’ll be sure to stand out! 

At Home Date Night

If you’ve been wanting to have a fun date night but are also a homebody, plan a fun date at home. Instead of going to a restaurant, make things a bit more exciting by planning a cookoff. You can do this with your significant other or even have a girls/boys night. A fun way to explore your culinary skills could be to assign a certain cuisine to each team. Pick a country you’ve been wanting to visit or a type of food you love and try making a new dish to serve for your date night. Don’t forget, if you’ve been wanting to get your significant other/friends to try out a certain dish, this is the perfect time to do it!

Revisit Your Hobbies 

When was the last time you took the time out to do something you truly enjoyed? Think about the hobbies that would fill your time when you were younger or even ones that you always thought of pursuing. Another advantage to being at home is that you can learn almost anything online and the variety of courses available are infinite. From sports to makeup to language, the internet has it all and there’s no such thing as too much knowledge. So start jotting down ideas and learn something new! 

While you explore new activities with your friends/family, make sure to keep the timing of your routines as normal as possible so that you’re able to jump back into your normal routine without hesitation. Most importantly, remember to simply enjoy this time for yourself or with your loved ones as a much needed refresher.

Fun Quarantine Activities

Fun Quarantine Activities
