A fantastic and metaphorical journey from fetus (when we all are pure and simple) to chimaera; the complicate yet beautiful monster we get to be when we grow up.

C H I M AE R A (From lat. chimaera, and this from gr. cimaira, fantastic animal)

1 Greek Mythology a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail.

2 something hoped for but illusory or impossible to achieve.

3 Biology an organism containing a mixture of genetically different tissues, formed by processes such as fusion of early embryos, grafting, or mutation.

(Concise Oxford English Dictionary © 2008 Oxford University Press)


Final fashion project by Leyre Valiente. A fantastic and metaphorical journey from fetus (when we all are pure and simple) to chimaera; the compl Read More
