A Birdy Mime
 The project here is an overall depiction of birds to emote their character and are given human like postures, makeover, emotions etc. 

People should realise the importance of environmental beauty, which are birds and prevent them from depletion. It also makes bird watching interesting by giving it a different perspective and can also relate them to human characters in their day to day life.
Depiction of a Mafia leader/ Don as eagle. The large powerful bird who never surrenders to the strength or size of its prey.
Depiction of an Indian Mother as a Sparrow. Cute, loving member of the family and also dominating when needed.
Depiction of a mail man as a Pigeon. Pigeons have the ability to find their way back home over extremely long distance.
Because of this skill,they were used to carry messages as messenger pigeons. They are usually referred to as "pigeon post" if used in post service
Had taken up Illustration as my elective subject and this was the project I made.

These illustrations are a combination of crayon, paint, pencil.
Birdy Mime


Birdy Mime

The project here is an overall depiction of birds to emote their character and are given human like postures, makeover, emotions etc. so that, p Read More
