Under Lockdown
Processing COVID-19 Using Photography
I’ve been spending a lot of time during this pandemic reflecting on my work and trying to find ways of reinforcing my creative well. I’ve been walking around my neighborhood a lot (frequently in the rain) as a way of working through the changes I'm seeing in myself, as well as the changes affecting the state of the world at large. In the following series, you’ll see me experimenting with tools and ideas that are incredibly new to me. In many of these photographs, I’m taking fundamental risks with the way I produce my work and how I present myself. The subjects in these photos caught my eye and broke up periods of deep, meandering self-reflection and that is an incredibly important part of my process.

I hope you enjoy these photos so that maybe they’ll help you with your own inner processing during these strange times.

All the best,
"2AM, Long Exposure"
Stamford, CT, April 2020
Stamford, CT, April 2020
Stamford, CT, April 2020
"Venting Frustrations 1"
Self portrait. Stamford, CT, April 2020
"Seasonal Stuffing"
Stamford, CT, April 2020
A utility box almost entirely obscures an unfinished school and road. Stamford, CT, April 2020

"State of Disrepair"
Stamford, CT, April 2020
"To be in such a hurry..."
Strawberry Hill Neighborhood. Stamford, CT, April 2020
"Evergreen Against an Overcast Sky"
Stamford, CT, April 2020
"Oh, that's right..."
Japanese Flowering Cherry Tree. Stamford, CT, April 2020

Under Lockdown

Under Lockdown

In this series, I'm using photography as a medium to express my frustration and process the state of things going on in the world right now. Even Read More


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