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Week 5/5/20: Quarantine Photo Diary

       So for this weeks assignment, I decided to work on the Photo Diary assignment.  And for the main theme of it, I wanted to show ways that I have kept my sanity during shelter in place.  Since we cannot really do a lot in this current time, it is hard to find ways to keep us active, and keep us social.  So I decided to document my time in quarantine that has helped me stay myself and not go any crazier.  From at home rugby and haircuts, celebrating Star Wars day, or spending family time.  While shooting for this, I wanted to look at shooting moments in my daily life that keeps me going.  Whether it be hanging with family, staying active, or just being my normal self.  The hardest part that I found about shooting this assignment was keeping the photos interesting.  I knew going into this I was not going to shoot random shots of stuff no one wants to see, I was going to make them interesting and overall, I think these came out really well.  If I were to do anything different, it would be getting a wider array of shots and trying to find more interesting shots.  But overall, I am happy with how these came out and I hope everyone is doing well out there.  
Week 5/5/20: Quarantine Photo Diary

Week 5/5/20: Quarantine Photo Diary


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