Guru Nanak Jayanti
Being located in India, festivals play a great role in shaping society. One such festival celebrated all over the world is Guru Nanak Jayanti of the Sikhs.

Nanak knew one God, that is, Truth.
He preached about universal brotherhood.
His words of love still walk the Earth.
His teachings echo everywhere.
His Divine Light blesses every prayer.

DSC KIIT wishes you a Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!
Here is the poster I designed for the event:
Developer Student Clubs

Helping students bridge the gap between theory and practice

Google collaborates with university students who are enthusiastic about growing developer communities and supports them with commencing student clubs on their campuses. Developer Student Clubs is a program that recognizes and supports university students who are excited about growing developer communities that cultivate learning, sharing, and collaboration. 
By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

Guru Nanak Jayanti


Guru Nanak Jayanti

Poster for Guru Nanak Jayanti, festival of the Sikhs celebrated all over the world.
