Circus Depths
An objective of showing the style of typo graphics in the project in the most visual way. As words were key to the assignment, the branding for the circus brief picked which was tasked with spreading word of the museum showing the theme of the circus acts with typo graphics.
The methodology needed for this required exploring the typographics as the primary researched was needed most in order to create a natural existence that was selected of what kind of type style was to be used  for the circus museum shown. Secondary research of types and
circuses that relate to the theme and style of the branding were important to see how fun the museum was to be. The ideas of looking underwater and how fish move would help match with the way the text in the design would move as well. Each layer of the brand design is to show how when a viewers sees the museum, that they are going deeper into the mysteries of the sea. It was the idea of showing families, thrill seekers to explorers all these exhibits on different levels, while both learning and having a fun experience in each.
This meant that the text was to act like as part of the water and move more freely like it’s swimming as a method for the typo graphics layout. Like going to a circus, the idea of looking at how the type and images were needed to find the best display in relation to the circus and aquariums like seeing fish and performers in the water. Merging the concept of learning and having fun at the same time in the aqua circus was essential for visitors. Each of the posters is to show on how a different level can be seen on each dome of the museum while targeting its suggested group. With the yellow scheme sunlight dome designed for families to see a friendly approach. Green coloured twilight dome is set for that of the thrill seekers who wish see some actions. Then with the purple themed midnight dome shows a mysterious atmosphere for those who seek the unknown depths of the sea. The comma of each dome at the bottom left corner of each has a colour code to show their identity in the dome. “Aquanauts” was used as the main theme of type as it was the most playful and closely related to the underwater style used to co-operated with the fish in the photos
Circus Depths

Circus Depths

A poster series that focused on an underwater circus
