So we were given our own brief to create during this Pandemic, we could pick any kind of brief we wanted, I decided to make up a band and create a cover for their first album and for a concert they are playing in the LemonTree in Aberdeen.

The restrictions are no images at all, just complete design. Also the target market are people between 18 - 55 and also people who are Vinyl enthusiasts as the band (Maid of Mars) want to reach out to vinyl users.
Luckily my dad is in to vinyl and he has a massive collection of records which I was able to to use for research, I got to see a lot of covers and the records themselves which inspired me a lot to imagine what styles I wanted to try.

During this pandemic I have became really fond of creating Vector art, I have became quite good at it I feel like. I was thinking I could try use some of this style to help with the design of the album cover. 
I gave the details that the band want their cover to be bright with a hint of darkness, since the album is called Clouds and juices, I thought id take that very serious and create a cloud raining juice.

I thought I would also use my vector art for the background just to make the back cover a bit more appealing just like the front.
Once I got the front cover sorted I then moved forward to the rest of the deliverables, which was pretty straight forward after doing the key feature, basing most of the other featurs off of the album cover.
Maid Of Mars

Maid Of Mars
