Our Earth Day Tote bag released April 22, 2020, The objective behind it was to help eliminate the use of plastic bags and was therefore free of charge with a catch. You had to sign 1 of 3 petitions each involving the current climate crisis. I had to make sure that the tote bags were 100% organic cotton canvas and came for fair trade labor. Thus adding a little more value to our cause. The design process was a simple one. I had to ask myself what it is that I want to communicate to the world and put it on a bag. As well as how can I make something so complex but keep it simple at the same time? “Eco not ego” was term I’ve became familiar with and you can interpret it however you deem fit. To me it means set aside your egotistical values of self and transmit them to the “eco-system” of values, so instead of thinking for yourself, think of the world as a whole as well as yourself included. It felt like a no brainer. 
Art direction and creative direction by me.
Photography by Trish Kae.
Our mission statement as stated on our Instagram for the project.
Our “ECO NOT EGO” tote bags aim to reduce the use of plastic bags to avoid ending up in our landfills and in our seas. 
It is a statement that can be translated however you like but to better consciousness of us all is the mission. 
It means to be aware of not just yourself but the universe, the earth, and  all sentient beings alike and treat them as equals. Including plants, trees, and insects. We’re all here for a very adjusted time, let’s make it a uplifting experience for everyone that calls this planet HOME. Just as we clean up our homes, we should clean up our Earth, nurture it, and respect it or Mother Earth will demand respect if we do not. 
Thank you to everyone who helped us on this journey and those of you that are just now joining us, we encourage you all to please take the time out of everyday to be conscious of our world and yourself in turn Earth will be a better place to live for it. 
Environmental literacy is more important now than ever. We ask that you do some research so can take simple easy to make steps in order to benefit our planet and it’s inhabitants.
Earth Day Tote Bag

Earth Day Tote Bag
