The art series "Symbiosis" is a visionary approach of the values and the cultural experiences I have gained during my stay in Indonesia through the Scholarship Program "Darmasiswa" for the year 2019-2020. Is the attempt to illustrate the captured memories of the outside world before the pandemic Covid19. The three dimensional paper collages below manage to extend beyond their surface, depicting everything I saw in the details and everything I kept from the moments here in Indonesia for the year 2019-2020

Symbiosis, from the Greek word "συμβιόω" (συν + βίος that means “living together”), is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different organisms. Τhese types of interaction can be mutualistic, commensalistic or parasitic. The art series Symbiosis represents these connections and explores the similarities in human relationships, where the body and mind struggle to co-exist between the invisible lines of Time and Space.

The implementation of the idea is carried out with an architectural and contemporary artistic approach, inspired by the Indonesian architecture and culture that I had the chance to meet and observe during my stay in Indonesia which led me to realize the importance of these values as part of people’s life and the manner of existing together in peace, since ancient years.

The project Includes the artworks: Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism.
Inside a common space everything can change and flow with the passage of time, and the partners play a game of role-changing based in their dynamism and wisdom: one will be the host and the other will be the visitor, a never ending power game. But to confirm the meaning of co-existence, Space and Time must become one, like the mind within the body, like two living organisms, or in this case like a couple of people with different personalities and needs.
Arthur Schopenhauer wrote:

“The representation of coexistence is impossible in Time alone; it depends, for its completion, upon the representation of Space; because, in mere Time, all things follow one another, and in mere Space all things are side by side; it is accordingly only by the combination of Time and Space that the representation of coexistence arises.”
Inspiration Photos & Work in progress

The images and video below are the inspiration and process of the creation of the series. Is the attempt to illustrate the captured memories of the outside world before Covid19. Ieverything I saw in the details and everything I kept from the moments, because, what's better than drawing your favourite places and forever lock them in the scrapbook of your mind?



The art series "Symbiosis" is a visionary approach of the values and the cultural experiences I have gained during my stay in Indonesia. Is the a Read More
