Nesting Tables
Spyro is inspired by Mangyan weaving and spirographs, geometric shapes generated by a fixed point on a circle rolling inside a fixed circle.

T’nalak, traditional abaca fabric of the T’boli indigenous people, is highly regarded for its beautiful geometric patterns. Meanwhile, beautiful, radially symmetric geometric coil patterns can be found in Mangyan weaving. Spirographs, which entered pop culture toys and art tools,  embodies playful geometry. In this design, mathematical concepts, often associated with modern and industrial culture, become the inspiration for a handmade craft that uses local and traditional materials. It connects the past and the present and celebrates the modern relevance of handicrafts.

This design also shows the intelligence of weaving in a very functional way. The pattern holds the coil in shape and turns coiled abaca fabric into a cushion.
Spyro is made in collaboration with Louisa Ilustre and Joseph Yap, produced by TADECO for the Design Commune setting in April 2018 Manila FAME


Spyro is made in collaboration with Louisa Ilustre and Joseph Yap, produced by TADECO for the Design Commune setting in April 2018 Manila FAME
