Syfy ID
What must be one of the most frequently viewed animations and most commonly overlooked is the television bumper.  It must communicate the name, style, and programs that a channel has and do it an an appealing way, all in a matter of seconds.  In this project I create an example of a bumper for the Syfy channel through a combination of stop-motion and Adobe After Effects Animation
The funny thing about this project was that in the first few weeks, we had worked making stop motion puppets and prep work before spring break.  Spring break was extended and soon after we were told we would not be returning to campus at all due to the Covid-19 outbreak.  Suddenly we had to find out how to continue the project remotely from home, without the use of our labs and equipment at school.  The project was then transitioned to Adobe After Effects where we attempted to re-create a stop motion-like feel and end result through a much different process.
Syfy Bumper

Syfy Bumper
