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According to Vedic crystal

According to Vedic crystal

According to Vedic crystal gazing, these are general locally established solutions for Rahu dosha present in horoscope just as awful impacts looked during Rahu mahadasha or antardasha for guys and females. These cures will help in making planet Rahu positive.

Significant Remedies for Rahu

Love Bhairava or master Shiva for satisfying planet Rahu.

Present the Kalabhairav asthakam, Durga Saptasati, Rahu stotram to diminish awful impacts of ketu in horoscope

Japa of the Rahu Beeja Mantra: Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah, multiple times in 40 days to satisfy rahu.

Give: Udad dal , dark chana or coconut, dark garments on Saturday and Wednesday.

Fasting on Saturdays, hold back taking any sort of salt during quick will assist with diminishing sick impacts of planet Rahu.

Likewise Read : General Remedies for Problem Related with Ketu

Pooja and Bhakti – Bhairav or Shiva or Chandi pooja to diminish negative impacts in rahu dasha

Keep your principle entryway flawless and clean, attempt to wipe the entryway yourself ,make appropriate lighting ,hang something counterfeit delightful toran at entryway.

Offer meduvada in type of wreath in the sanctuary to make rahu positive

Regard low station individuals never abuse them.

Regard granddad, make him cheerful and look for favors to make rahu positive.

Never keep any non-working electronic thing and watch at home .

Wear Hessonite (gomedh) gemstone under master's recommendation. Gemstone are additionally one of well known solutions for diminish negative impacts of rahu.

Doing above Rahu Mahadasha Remedies will give gift of Lord Rahu and acquire a lot of alleviation issues.

Safeguards during Remedies for Rahu

These are the normal and time again tried rahu cures which should be possible by anybody. Increasingly over these cures are otherworldly close by moral and good which can be rehearsed absent a lot of exertion . Yet, the level of advantage separated from these solutions for rahu relies upon other affecting elements, for example, class of burden, seriousness, consistency of execution, muhurtha and confidence at the same time .

In uncommon cases or in the wake of assessing the horoscope completely there are other explicit cures which are recommended and performed distinctly under specialists watch. That may incorporate devoted Yantras, Mantras , Homa, Yagyas and so on.

This ought to consistently be borne as a main priority that otherworldly home solutions for rahu ought not be aimlessly performed it ought to be appropriately counseled and broke down first by the master. The moral do's and don'ts for example holding back additionally have immense effect just as every single component around us must speak to anything of the planets. Keeping our ethical direct great filters our inward prosperity and assists with looking past our blemished faculties .
According to Vedic crystal

According to Vedic crystal


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