Stir is a project design for the Gelato Museum (Anzola dell’Emilia BO).
The enhancement strategy starts directly from a movement, which is the one made with the spoon while consuming ice cream, and concludes by closing a circle, returning to that movement, but in a conscious way, knowing everything behind the product consumed. In the middle, the interactive and immersive museum experience, which makes the user come in contact with historical and modern machinery thanks to the direct experimentation of the movements that an ice cream maker puts into practice during the ice cream creation process, also understanding their internal functioning thanks to particular animations . At the end of the visit, the user will be faced with a choice: become a gelato maker or an aware consumer?
BEFORE: The user comes in contect with the Gelato museum through the use of a single-use plastic spoon given by the gelato shops that uses Carpigiani machinery. 
AFTER: After the experience at the gelato museum the user can find at the bookshop two different type of spoons, one to make and serve gelato and the other one to eat gelato.
The spoons are dishwasher safe, and reusable
The team that worked on the project


Spoon that experiments the way of holding it to make and serve gelato
