This was my first project using wood and industrial machines. It didn't turn out quite how I'd hoped but I'm still verry proud of what I accomplished!

I started out by prototyping and coloring on paper because it was easier making these icosahedrons than drawing them. Also by doing this it immediately gave insight towards the protorions and dimensions of each puzzle piece.
After choosing my favorite iteration on paper I used clay to figure out exactly how the pieces would fit togheter 3 dimensionally. 
Then I chose the kinds of wood I was going to use (oak and azobe) because we were tasked to use 2 different kinds of wood.
Planned them out and cut them so all my pieces were even tetrahedrons. This made it easier to form them into their final form 
The pieces didn't quite fit.
Since it was my first time using industrial machinery and hard wood this assignment didn't go as smooth as I'd hoped. The mesurements I took were fine but I had to reinstall the saw everytime another student wanted to use the saw aswell. This caused my pieced to have some diviation an inconsistancy. 

However I'm not dissapointed. The individual pieces look great but the end result should have been more precise.
Polywood puzzle

Polywood puzzle

First time using wood as material
