This is the third previs scene for the cinematic of "Bounty Hunter Royal," and it turned out to be the most visually "raw" of all the scenes we've made because we had to assemble it in record time - just 2.5 weeks for everything.
While we were working on this scene, we encountered an incredible number of problems. Although we had a storyboard, we still faced the issue of determining where each character should be located at any point on the set. We moved characters and enemies from one point to another, drawing detailed scheme of their movements. In the end, we came up with the idea to literally squeeze them into one spot behind sandbags. They're on a bridge, cut off from both sides, without any hope of escape. They need to figure out how to get out of this situation. And this turned out to be a very successful decision. Right after that, we decided it would be perfect to introduce a helicopter, a sort of "deus ex machina" that arrives to clear the path for our squad and takes them to the next mission.
It's important to note that the helicopter is not just for show; it will be part of the actual gameplay in the game.
The fourth previs scene for the cinematic. We spent the most time on this scene, with a deadline of one and a half months, but its duration is 4 minutes, which is 2.5 times longer than scene 3.

In this scene, our squad infiltrates a warehouse with the aim of "looting" it and taking it over, but suddenly a helicopter approaches the warehouse, dropping a signal box that needs to be captured and held (not the main goal of the game session). Because of this, other enemy players start converging on the box, and our squad has to find escape routes while also reviving one of their fighters along the way.

Thanks to the large amount of available materials, this scene, even in the form of animatics/previs, looks quite good, and you can already feel the atmosphere during the viewing. The most challenging part of the work was to depict the actions in front of the warehouse complex and to show the "slaughter."

Fifth previs scene. The most grand and impressive. A battle with a sudden "boss" who is nearly impossible to defeat, in the form of King Kong, and who can one-shot even a tank with a single hit.  his scene is meant to showcase another session that will be available in the game. However, due to its development stage, our squad doesn't perform any actions in it. They are merely observers.

Pictures for the storyboard for scene 4.
First and second cinematic scenes. We made this part first as a test of our previsualization abilities for cinematics. To our surprise, these scenes were almost perfectly done in previs form on the first try, and there were very few adjustments needed. Even after the entire previs was completed, we practically didn't change them.


This is what they call the life essence of every artist, when you assemble a story from pieces. Previs for this project took us a significant amo Read More
